Saturday, April 3, 2010

First Week - Spring Quarter 2010

I just had my first week of classes for Spring Quarter! I can tell it will be a fun one. First of all, I was able to switch to a new room. I did not have any problems with my previous roommate, but a better opportunity came up. I moved from a normal double in my hall to a triple room, that only has one other person. So I now living in a three person room, with only two people! Yay! Extra space for my stuff! So far, so good. Things with my new roommate couldn't be better, especially because I practically lived up there anyways.

As far as classes go, I am so excited for this quarter. I am taking a Props class, which props is my second favorite area of theatre. A Drafting class, which I am having a little bit of trouble, but I will pick it up soon. I am so excited for my Painting class. We are learning painting techniques using watercolors and acrylics. Stress Management is going to be a simple class, considering our last class was just playing outside for 15 minutes. Let's just say, there is a reason we are theatre majors...sports...not so much. I am also taking Western Civilization, which is a required class for all Otterbein students. My professor is a former stand up comedian from England, therefore the class is quite epic.

With all of this nice weather, Otterbein's campus has begun to come alive. People laying out in the sun, playing catch and just having a great time. I will be starting my tours this quarter as well. I have gotten a job as a tour guide for Otterbein. Yes, I am the one who will be giving out random facts about Otterbein that most people wont even care to hear. But I plan on making it fun with my own experiences and little random tid bits that are exciting. I cannot wait!

Overall, I believe that this quarter is going to be a lot of fun!